Rod's Platform

Why I'm Running

I am running because of my desire to add value to the Pacific Region and to Sigma Pi Phi.  I’m also running because of my commitment, dedication, and passion to the organization.  Having served at all levels of the fraternity, with proven success in various offices, will allow me to be an effective RSAE.

Enhance Membership Process

It All Begins with Membership! Membership is the key to our Future. Our Membership process includes how we identify, evaluate, select, and onboard candidates. Working together, we will deliver Best Practices Guidelines for the Membership Process.

Deliverable Best Practices Document for the Membership Process.

Benefit Attract and find the Best Archons For Your MB. Your MB will be better tomorrow than it is today!

A well-defined membership process will result in the appropriate candidate being selected for your Member Boule’.  It will also help define expectations for that new Archon, which will assist in overall satisfaction for that Archon and for the Member Boule.

By sharing the processes utilized by each Member Boule, we will create a standardized Best Practices Document that will ensure consistency in the membership process throughout the Pacific Region.

NOTE:   The Grand Membership guidelines establish some criteria– character, worthiness, standing in the community, civic responsibility and potential for positive contributions to the Fraternity.  Each of these criteria may not be a simple yes or no.  Furthermore, Member Boules may wish to add additional criterial relevant to needs at their Member Boule.

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Increase Protocol Awareness

Protocols are an essential aspect of Sigma Pi Phi fraternity. Working with Member Boules, my administration will identify best options for each Archon to familiarize themselves with our Rituals and Protocols and learn the Test Oath.

Deliverable Increased Knowledge of SPP Protocols.

Benefit Achieve consistency with fraternity operating principles.

Protocols should be defined during the membership process, through the pre-induction and beyond.

We must increase our awareness of Protocols.  The Rituals manual containing the Test Oath is only provided to officers. Consequently, there is no plan in place to provide the Test Oath to Archons to learn.  The expectation is that each Archon will learn the Test Oath.

The Grand Strategic Plan proposes a post-induction standardized member orientation procedure approved by the Office of the Grand Boulé, along with conducting at least one history review and/or protocol briefing per year.

NOTE:  Although most Archons have some knowledge of our Protocols, only 54% (according to Survey 3/13/23) are very familiar with them, 43% are moderately familiar, and 3% are unfamiliar.

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Improve Retention

After the induction of our Archons, it's crucial to keep them engaged and active in our fraternity. Our retention will improve, if we select, onboard, and set expectations for our new Archons. “It All Begins With Membership.”

Deliverable Document Containing New Ideas for Retention

Benefit Increased retention rate and increased Archon engagement.

As our membership profile evolves, we should create programs that cater to “All” interests. The sponsor’s role in setting expectations is critical to the membership process. We need to survey our members and conduct interviews with those who become inactive. Sharing ideas and experiences among Member Boules will help the Pacific Region develop ideas for Improving Retention, ensuring an active membership roster.  This will position your Member Boule to “Be the Best That It Can Be.”

NOTE:    From 2020 thru 2022, the Pacific Region lost 152 more Archons than were inducted.

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Drive Economic Empowerment

Economic Empowerment is crucial for securing our members' future and providing generational wealth. Archons should be able to support, connect, refer, and do business with each other on a pathway to creating generational wealth.

Deliverable Programs and Relationships to Drive Economic Empowerment.

Benefit Build Archon Generational Wealth.

Economic Empowerment is crucial for securing our members’ future and providing generational wealth.  Archons should be able to support, connect, refer, and do business with each other on a pathway to creating generational wealth.

The Grand Strategic Plan suggests that we “pursue collective success through initiatives like establishing a Black Economic Empowerment standing committee and continuing our HBCUs and Access to Postsecondary Education initiative.”

We will leverage technology and networking to facilitate our efforts in the Pacific Region.

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Support the Pacific Region Strategic Plan

The mission of the Pacific Region of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity is to maintain an organization for the purpose of binding men of like qualities into a close, sacred, fraternal union, that they may know the best of one another, and that each in his life may to his full ability aid the other, and by concerted action bring about those things that seem best for all that cannot be accomplished by individual effort.

The mission of the Pacific Region of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity is to maintain an organization for the purpose of binding men of like qualities into a close, sacred, fraternal union, that they may know the best of one another, and that each in his life may to his full ability aid the other, and by concerted action bring about those things that seem best for all that cannot be accomplished by individual effort.

The five pillars of the Pacific Region Strategic Plan are:

  • Social Action
  • Archon Engagement
  • IT & Communication
  • Growth & Expansion
  • Public Policy

We will continue to support and enhance these areas for the benefit of the Pacific Region.

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